John R Meyer

History enthusiasts and believers who seek to deepen their faith should subscribe. My emails feature historical insights, reflections on early Christianity, and updates on my work, including exclusive content and behind-the-scenes looks at my writing process.

John Robert Meyer grew up in a community of Scandinavians in Minden, Nebraska. Had a brother and sister (both) deceased. Lots of cousins. He likes lutefisk, lefsa, aebleskiver,and pfeffernusse. And warm Cinnamon rolls with butter. Ya sure you betcha! He doesn't make mistakes, only “uff das”. He follows Nebraska football and volleyball.

He attended Sterling College (a Christian College) in Sterling, KS, and Wartburg Theological Seminary in Dubuque, IA. He is a Lutheran pastor and has served churches in Nebraska, South Dakota, Iowa and Oregon, beginning in 1964.

He and his wife Ruth of 65 years have three children and a son from Ethiopia, and six grandchildren and one great grandson.

John is retired; however, does some supply preaching and teaches adult classes from time to time.

He has come to love creating what might possibly be their life between the bites of information we have about them as revealed to us in the Bible.

He hopes to have another book about the twelve apostles and their spreading the gospel message across the Roman Empire and telling how they were martyred. He is also reworking a Church History book that we did years ago.

He has a web page - where you can subscribe to a quarterly newsletter.

John R Meyer

History enthusiasts and believers who seek to deepen their faith should subscribe. My emails feature historical insights, reflections on early Christianity, and updates on my work, including exclusive content and behind-the-scenes looks at my writing process.